Benefits of computer based coding simulation testing for hiring programmers

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Sunday, 07 October 2018 12:46

Benefits of computer based coding simulation testing for hiring programmers

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Software companies in Nigeria are constantly battling with a hiring problem; How to find capable programmers in a developing country that has a huge shortage of supply.


What usually happens is that these companies get lots of applications from candidates. Then it quickly becomes apparent that that they don’t have the skillset as advertised on their CVs.


It often becomes a drawn out process for the hiring company thereby wasting their time, money and results in a high turnover of staff because the wrong candidates end up being hired.


There are various reasons for hiring the wrong candidate; amongst these is simply not creating the right recruitment assessments for the candidates.


Highly technical skills such as programming require more involved assessments which means more time diverted to recruitment. Usually, the best people to assess a programmer’s skills are existing programmers within the company. Unfortunately, this is both time consuming and costly as the interviewer who is also a programmer will be spending time away from his work.


Aptware seeks to solve problems like these by offering an automated way of pre-screening candidate programming skills before meeting actual interviewers. Advantages include:

  1. Increased applications handling by companies as Aptware takes over the hassle of physical pre-screening.
  2. Candidates who successfully pass Aptware’s coding simulated tests have more of a chance of being hired by the company as the skills have been verified.
  3. Time and Cost savings as company programmers do not have to perform pre-screening tests.


One such company benefitting from using Aptware to conduct pre-screening programming tests is Appzone Group Africa’s leading provider of software solutions to financial institutions.


Contact us today for a free demo and see how you can start saving your company valuable time and money


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Last modified on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:18